Welcome to TomsProject Assets!

We have all Toms Project's important assets here.

How does this website work?

First of all, to get Toms Project's assets, users should get our server's IP address first, so for DNS we choose AliDNS(Unicast, just for mainland China users) + AWS Route 53(Anycast) which is super fast for users all around the world.

For visiters in mainland China, they'll use Kingsoft Cloud's CDN (Support IPv4 + IPv6) which has more than 500 Unicast POPs in mainland China.

For visiters in Russia & CIS, they'll use Edgecenter(former Gcore, detail: https://s.tp.je/32K2p)'s CDN (Support IPv4 + IPv6) which has 42 Anycast POPs in Russia & CIS.

For visiters around the world, they'll use AWS Global Accelerator & Vercel (IPv4 only) which has 96 Anycast POPs worldwide. IPv6 users will hit Cloudflare CDN that include about 220 Anycast POPs worldwide which is fast.

More info & Architecture diagram, please visit Information Graph 2022-07 Version